Thursday, March 3, 2011


WARNING: RANT FOLLOWS. Foul language contained below. I drop the f-bomb. Read at your own risk. You’ve been warned.

Well, well, well. Thank you, worthless U.S. supreme court. The bozos in black today decided to uphold a lower appeals court ruling that the westboro baptist church's picketing of military funerals is constitutionally protected speech.


Chief Justice Roberts, you suck. Tony S., you suck. You all suck, with the exception of Justice Sam Alito, the lone – LONE – dissenter who, according to the Washington Post, stated that, “the First Amendment does not convey the right to ‘brutalize’ private individuals.” You morons voted eight-to-one in favor of the blasphemies of that sorry excuse for a church?!?!?

Every night at 2000, the Information Dominance Center (in which I work) holds a turn-over briefing for transition between day and night shifts. Every night, the Regional Command desk officers brief activity in their regions. Last night, I listened to reports of three U.S. soldiers being killed in action. Three young lives snuffed out in a single day. And that was just the American losses. Our coalition allies suffer losses as well. Every such report eats away at my soul. And to think that our much-abused First Amendment allows these fuck-knuckles to violate the sanctity of these soldiers’ funerals with their homophobic psychotic bullshit sickens me.

I just don't get it. You can photograph a crucifix in a jar of urine and call it art and it's protected free speech. You can protest at the funeral of a U.S. soldier with signs reading “Thank God for Dead Soldiers” and it's protected free speech. Something is wrong, seriously wrong with our system, our concept of free speech.

If I were home, my wife would remind me that, despite its flaws, the U.S. has the best legal system in the world. One might argue that the exceptions prove the rule. Regardless, the fact that these worthless turds can disrupt a soldier’s funeral leaves me speechless. They make a mockery of every service-man and –woman’s pledge to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies.


  1. You know, I'm really torn over this. On one hand, I hate those goat felching piles of ass vomit with a passion. I abhor their mysoginistic, homophobic, hate filled rhetoric. I can't even begin to list the things I would like to do to them in retribution for what they have done to these families, because I'm sure even thinking about some of it would be a crime. But on the other hand, to have ruled against them could begin a slow erosion of ALL of our rights. I could see a series of rulings, similar to the attack on Roe v. Wade. And regardless of what (any of) you think of abortion period, it is not your body, and you have no right to tell another what to do with it. None. But over the years, many rulings and laws have slowly chipped away at Roe V. Wade, and I fear it may come to the point where abortion may still be legal, but there are so many laws and regulations that it is impossible to obtain one legally. And to allow one ruling restricting someone's point of view could begin a similar downward slide.
    But I hate it. The only way to stop it is to stop giving them attention; treat them like a toddler throwing a tantrum. We can't stoop to their level. Adults do not answer the petty name-calling of a schoolyard bully with elaborate explanations of why we are not stinky poopy-heads. The wonderful people who are organizing to obstruct the WBC, in particular the Hell's Angels, have the right idea. There has to be a way to legally prevent them from disrupting funerals, without begining an erosion of our rights. But, I'm not a lawyer, and most of my ideas, like I said above, are highly illegal and would be frowned upon by the general public. ;-)
    (Sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes. Drugs are kicking in and I may have missed something during proofreading.)

  2. "Tony S., you suck"!!?? This from the man who wanted me to shake Justice Scalia's hand at the Xavier alumni reception?? Take a deep breath and remember that we have a constitution that is the envy of the rest of the world and the best justice system in the world to uphold it. Afghanistan should be so lucky.
    As for the merits, what those protesters say is hateful and abhorent, and my heart goes out to any family that is subjected to it. But we can't select what speech is free and what isn't. If the KKK can burn crosses, if protesters can picket abortion clinics, if neo-Nazis can march in Skokie, then we have to let these demented cretins speak.

  3. theres a reason flame throwers were invented. just sayin.
