Monday, May 23, 2011

Pullin' Down

Those of you who know me know that "svelte" was never a good word to describe me.  But that's changing.

Last week, some of us decided to do our own "biggest loser" competition, each of us ponying up $50 to see who can shed the most poundage in 30 days.  Today was the starting weigh-in.

I was most pleasantly surprised to see that I've lost a total of 30 pounds in my 14 weeks here (yes, today I begin week 15).  I lost about half of it in Kabul, accomplished without any effort, just by not eating crappy food.   I wasn't looking forward to this weigh-in, as I wondered how much damage I'd done by partaking of the Baskin-Robbins a couple times a week.  No damage, it seems, as I've shed another 15 pounds since arriving at BAF.

I fear I'm going to be handing over the money in 30 days;  if the past is any judge, I've lost the easy weight, and hitting the gym will, while helping me get back in shape and toning up, basically convert fat weight to muscle weight and not result in a lot of weight loss.

Oh well, gotta give it a shot, and give the other fat boys a run for the money.

If I win, gentle readers, you can all claim a drink on me at EYC.

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