Sunday, February 20, 2011


People of a certain age (like me) will no doubt recall when Simon & Garfunkel released Sounds of Silence back in the mid-60s. We have our own SoS here in Kabul, but not quite so soothing. We have the Scent of Sewage.
//And the people bowed and prayed ... to the porcelain gods they made.//
Never in my life, not even when conducting a mission over Shit River Bridge between Subic Bay Naval Base and Olongapo City, have I been subjected to such nauseating odors. While the toilets all fluch and seem to work, the odor remains pervasive. I went into one free-standing unit in a nearby courtyard, and barely made it out without gagging. back in the office, I mentioned that I'd never use that head again, and I got the "Yeah, right, you'll get over that soon enough" look from several of my colleagues.
I have two theories on this stench. First, all the bases in this area are well over their intended capacity. ISAF HQ in downtown Kabul, for instance, was built to accomodate 800 people, and there are 2,500 there now. Likewise, we've got some 3,500 people based here at N-KAIA. All services are being stressed, and plumbing is probably just one of many.
Theory two: There are signs posted over all the unirnals advising people not to throw object in them. The signs read, in part, "Use urinals only for urine." I shit you not. With all the nations represented in this coalition, I suspect that there are a number of troops here who do not get the concept of indoor plumbing. Hence the abuse/misuse of the facilities and the resultant odor.
I shudder to think what this place will smell like in the height of summer. Having driven past Blue Plains during the DC summer, I think this will be hideous. I just hope I rotate out before it gets that bad.
So, my fellow Americans, be thankful for what you've got.


  1. How do you find the gents room?

    Follow your nose!

  2. Do you want me to try and hunt down one of those WWII gas masks to wear as a gag when you head over there? And I'll totally steal a pair of Dr. No gloves from work for you to wear with it!

  3. at work we have signs too! ours rhyme!
    "be an adult, not a kid,
    hit the toilet, not the lid"
